Executive Diploma in Human Resources Management



The course duration is ten weeks. The program is highly interactive based on lectures, group exercises, case studies and presentations.


This Diploma program is aimed towards fresh Graduates and mid-career level professionals who have entered the field of HRM in their organizations. It is also recommended for individuals who plan to develop a career in HRM.

Course Duration

The program is spread over a period of approximately Three-month duration. The program requires one Pre-Session Assignment consisting of Pre-Workbook and Case Study, which can be completed with faculty support a day before the session. Class timing will be 9:30 am. to 2:30 pm.

Individual Module Certification

Each module, focusing on a specialized area in HR, is a complete certification program. Candidates can either opt for individual module and get a certificate for each or complete all ten modules and earn a diploma.

Diploma Award

Upon successful completion of the program, participants will be awarded Executive Diploma in Human Resources Management by loBM & Excelerate.






116 November, 2024People, Culture and Organization Performance9:30 am to 2:30 pmEMEC-IoBM
223 November, 2024Developing Human Capital for Agile Management9:30 am to 2:30 pmEMEC-IoBM
330 November, 2024Developing innovative approaches in Talent Management9:30 am to 2:30 pmEMEC-IoBM
47 December, 2024Transitioning to Result Driven Performance Management9:30 am to 2:30 pmEMEC-IoBM
514 December, 2024Designing Competitive Compensation Strategy9:30 am to 2:30 pmEMEC-IoBM
621 December, 2024Learning Strategies for Next Level Organization9:30 am to 2:30 pmEMEC-IoBM
728 December, 2024Talent Management & Employer Branding in the New World9:30 am to 2:30 pmEMEC-IoBM
84 January, 2025Taking Ownership of Self Development9:30 am to 2:30 pmEMEC-IoBM
911 January, 2025HR Analytics and Data-driven Decision Making9:30 am to 2:30 pmEMEC-IoBM
1018 January, 2025Workplace Wellness9:30 am to 2:30 pmEMEC-IoBM

Date: Saturday, November 16, 2024 | Time: 9:30 AM to 2:30 PM Fee: Rs. 7000/- (Per Module)

Program Overview:

This program focuses on the critical role that people and organizational culture play in driving business performance. It is designed to provide participants with insights into how strong leadership, a positive culture, and effective people management strategies can enhance overall organizational success. Through practical examples, case studies, and interactive discussions, attendees will explore the alignment between people strategy, culture, and the achievement of business goals.

Program Objective

  • To understand the impact of organizational culture on performance and employee engagement.
  • To explore the strategic alignment between people management, culture, and business outcomes.
  • To identify ways to foster a positive, performance-driven culture within the organization.
  • To equip participants with tools to measure and enhance organizational performance through effective leadership and cultural practices.

Key Learning Outcomes

By the end of this program, participants will be able to:

  • Assess the role of culture in driving organizational success: Participants will understand how to evaluate their current organizational culture and its effect on employee performance and overall business results.
  • Develop strategies for cultural transformation: Learn how to implement strategies that align people management practices with the organization’s goals for sustainable performance improvement.
  • Understand the link between leadership and culture: Identify leadership behaviors that foster a positive, high-performing culture and learn how to cultivate these in practice.
  • Create metrics to track cultural and performance progress: Participants will learn to design key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure both cultural health and its impact on organizational performance.

Date: Saturday, November 23, 2024 | 9:30 AM to 2:30 PM| Fee: Rs. 7000/- (Per Module)

Program Overview:

In the fast-paced and constantly changing business environment, organizations need to cultivate agile management practices to remain competitive. Developing Human Capital for Agile Management is a program designed to help leaders and professionals build a workforce that is adaptable, resilient, and capable of responding to new challenges with agility. This program focuses on aligning human capital strategies with agile management principles to foster a culture of innovation, flexibility, and continuous improvement.

Program Objectives:

  • To understand the principles of agile management and its significance in driving organizational success.
  • To develop strategies for building a workforce that is adaptable, innovative, and agile in response to changing market demands.
  • To equip participants with tools for enhancing employee skills, engagement, and collaboration within agile frameworks.
  • To foster leadership capabilities that support agile team dynamics and decision-making processes.

Learning Outcomes:

By the end of this program, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the core elements of agile management: Learn the fundamental principles of agility, including adaptability, speed, and collaboration, and how they apply to workforce management.
  • Design human capital strategies for agility: Develop HR strategies that align with agile principles, focusing on talent acquisition, development, and retention that foster an agile mindset and culture.
  • Enhance team collaboration and responsiveness: Implement techniques for building cross-functional teams that can quickly respond to changes, solve problems, and innovate within agile frameworks.
  • Lead agile teams effectively: Gain leadership skills to manage agile teams, promoting continuous improvement, effective communication, and decentralized decision-making.
  • Drive employee engagement and skill development: Create learning and development programs that focus on upskilling employees for agility, ensuring they have the competencies needed to thrive in a dynamic environment.

Date: Saturday, November 30, 2024 | 9:30 AM to 2:30 PM| Fee: Rs. 7000/- (Per Module)

Program Overview:

In an era of rapid change and technological advancement, traditional talent management practices are no longer sufficient to meet the evolving needs of organizations. The Developing Innovative Approaches in Talent Management program is designed to equip HR professionals, managers, and leaders with the skills and tools to rethink talent strategies. This program focuses on leveraging innovation to attract, retain, and develop top talent, while fostering a culture that encourages creativity, agility, and performance.

Program Objectives:

  • To introduce innovative strategies and technologies in talent management that enhance employee engagement, development, and retention.
  • To develop a deeper understanding of how to align talent management practices with organizational goals in a dynamic and competitive environment.
  • To explore cutting-edge tools such as AI, data analytics, and digital platforms that revolutionize recruitment, learning, and performance management.
  • To foster creativity in designing talent programs that respond to the changing needs of the workforce, including remote work, flexible careers, and continuous learning.

Learning Outcomes:

By the end of this program, participants will be able to:

  • Implement innovative talent acquisition strategies: Learn how to use AI-driven recruitment tools, employer branding, and digital platforms to attract top talent more effectively.
  • Leverage data analytics in talent management: Understand how to apply data-driven insights to make informed decisions in areas such as hiring, performance management, and employee retention.
  • Design adaptive talent development programs: Develop continuous learning and development programs that are aligned with both organizational needs and employee career aspirations, ensuring long-term growth and agility.
  • Promote creativity and flexibility in talent retention: Explore creative approaches to employee engagement, such as flexible work arrangements, tailored career paths, and personalized development opportunities to retain high-potential talent.
  • Foster a culture of innovation: Learn how to create a work environment that encourages innovation, collaboration, and high performance by aligning talent management practices with organizational innovation strategies.

Date: Saturday, 4 December 2024 | 9:30 AM to 2:30 PM| Fee: Rs. 7000/- (Per Module)

Program Overview:

As organizations move towards greater accountability and efficiency, traditional performance management systems are giving way to result-driven models that focus on outcomes and impact. The Transitioning to Result-Driven Performance Management program is designed to help managers, leaders, and HR professionals shift from process-based performance evaluation to a results-oriented approach. This program emphasizes aligning individual and team performance with organizational goals, fostering accountability, and using data-driven insights to drive continuous improvement.

Program Objectives:

  • To understand the key principles of result-driven performance management and its benefits over traditional methods.
  • To develop strategies for aligning performance management systems with business outcomes and organizational goals.
  • To equip participants with tools for setting clear, measurable goals and providing regular, constructive feedback to drive results.
  • To foster a culture of accountability, ownership, and continuous improvement within teams and departments.

Learning Outcomes:

By the end of this program, participants will be able to:

  • Understand and implement result-driven performance models: Grasp the core elements of a results-based performance management system and how it differs from traditional performance appraisals.
  • Align performance objectives with organizational goals: Learn to set clear, SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals that directly contribute to overall business outcomes.
  • Utilize data for performance insights: Understand how to use performance metrics and data analytics to track progress, identify performance gaps, and make informed decisions to enhance individual and team productivity.
  • Provide effective performance feedback: Gain skills in delivering constructive, timely feedback that motivates employees, fosters growth, and helps them meet performance expectations.
  • Create a culture of accountability: Foster a results-oriented culture where employees take ownership of their performance and are motivated to meet and exceed organizational expectations through continuous learning and development.

Date: Saturday, 14 December 2024 | 9:30 AM to 2:30 PM| Fee: Rs. 7000/- (Per Module)

Program Overview:

In today’s competitive talent landscape, organizations must design compensation strategies that not only attract top talent but also retain and motivate high-performing employees. The Designing Competitive Compensation Strategy program equips HR professionals, managers, and business leaders with the knowledge and tools to develop compensation structures that align with both market trends and organizational goals. This program covers essential topics such as pay benchmarking, incentive structures, total rewards, and the integration of compensation strategies with performance management.

Program Objectives:

  • To understand the principles and components of a competitive compensation strategy that aligns with organizational goals and market demands.
  • To explore methods for effectively benchmarking compensation against industry standards and competitors.
  • To develop strategies that balance base salary, benefits, bonuses, and other incentives to attract and retain talent.
  • To integrate compensation with performance management systems, ensuring that rewards are tied to individual and organizational performance.

Learning Outcomes:

By the end of this program, participants will be able to:

  • Design market-aligned compensation packages: Learn how to structure competitive salary and benefits packages that meet industry standards while aligning with organizational budgets and goals.
  • Implement total rewards strategies: Understand the key components of total rewards, including base salary, variable pay, bonuses, equity, and non-monetary benefits, and how they contribute to overall employee satisfaction and retention.
  • Conduct compensation benchmarking: Gain skills in using salary surveys, market data, and analytics to benchmark compensation levels against industry peers, ensuring competitiveness.
  • Tie compensation to performance: Learn how to integrate compensation strategies with performance management systems, ensuring a strong link between employee performance, rewards, and organizational outcomes.
  • Attract, retain, and motivate top talent: Develop competitive and equitable compensation strategies that not only attract high-performing employees but also motivate and retain them in the long term.

Date: Saturday, 21 December 2024 | 9:30 AM to 2:30 PM| Fee: Rs. 7000/- (Per Module)

Program Overview:

In an increasingly complex and competitive business environment, continuous learning and development are essential for organizations seeking to stay ahead. Learning Strategies for Next-Level Organizations is designed to help leaders, HR professionals, and L&D specialists develop cutting-edge learning frameworks that enhance organizational capabilities, foster innovation, and support business growth. This program emphasizes the creation of learning ecosystems that are agile, scalable, and aligned with the strategic goals of the organization.


Program Objectives:

  • To explore innovative learning strategies that drive individual and organizational growth.
  • To align learning and development (L&D) initiatives with the evolving needs of the business and the future of work.
  • To develop tools and techniques for creating adaptive, scalable learning programs that meet the needs of a dynamic workforce.
  • To foster a culture of continuous learning, creativity, and knowledge sharing across all levels of the organization.


Learning Outcomes:

By the end of this program, participants will be able to:

  • Design learning ecosystems for business success: Learn how to create holistic learning environments that integrate formal training, on-the-job learning, and collaborative knowledge-sharing to support strategic objectives.
  • Develop agile learning strategies: Understand how to build flexible learning programs that adapt to the changing needs of the business, ensuring employees stay relevant in a rapidly evolving marketplace.
  • Leverage technology for learning: Gain insights into using e-learning platforms, AI-driven tools, and mobile learning to deliver scalable and personalized learning experiences.
  • Align L&D with business objectives: Learn to connect learning initiatives with organizational goals, ensuring that learning outcomes directly contribute to business performance and growth.
  • Promote a culture of continuous learning: Foster a learning mindset within the organization, where employees are encouraged to pursue development opportunities, share knowledge, and continuously improve their skills.

Date: Saturday, 28 December 2024 | 9:30 AM to 2:30 PM| Fee: Rs. 7000/- (Per Module)

Program Overview:

In the modern business landscape, effective talent management and a strong employer brand are critical to attracting and retaining top talent. The Talent Management & Employer Branding in the New World program is designed to equip HR professionals, talent managers, and organizational leaders with the strategies and tools needed to navigate the complexities of talent acquisition and employee engagement in a rapidly evolving environment. This program focuses on integrating talent management practices with employer branding efforts to create a compelling narrative that resonates with potential and current employees.


Program Objectives:

  • To understand the intersection of talent management and employer branding in the context of the modern workforce.
  • To develop effective talent management strategies that align with organizational goals and enhance employee experiences.
  • To explore innovative employer branding techniques that attract diverse talent and reflect the organization’s values and culture.
  • To equip participants with tools for measuring and improving employee engagement and retention through strong branding initiatives.

Learning Outcomes:

By the end of this program, participants will be able to:

  • Integrate talent management with employer branding: Understand how to align talent management practices with the organization’s brand identity, ensuring a cohesive approach to recruitment and employee engagement.
  • Develop effective talent acquisition strategies: Learn to create targeted recruitment campaigns that leverage employer branding to attract high-quality candidates who fit the organization’s culture.
  • Cultivate a compelling employer brand: Gain insights into building and promoting an employer brand that reflects organizational values, engages employees, and differentiates the company in the competitive job market.
  • Enhance employee engagement and retention: Explore strategies for improving employee experiences and satisfaction through effective talent management and branding efforts, leading to higher retention rates.
  • Measure the impact of branding on talent management: Learn how to use metrics and analytics to evaluate the effectiveness of employer branding and its influence on recruitment, engagement, and overall organizational performance.

Date: Saturday, 4 January 2024 | 9:30 AM to 2:30 PM| Fee: Rs. 7000/- (Per Module)

Program Overview:

In a rapidly changing professional landscape, the ability to take ownership of one’s self-development is crucial for personal and career growth. The Taking Ownership of Self Development program is designed to empower individuals with the tools, strategies, and mindset necessary to proactively manage their own learning and development. This program emphasizes self-assessment, goal-setting, and the cultivation of a growth mindset, encouraging participants to take charge of their career trajectories and enhance their skills for future challenges.

Program Objectives:

  • To foster a proactive approach to personal and professional development among participants.
  • To provide frameworks for self-assessment and reflection to identify strengths, weaknesses, and development opportunities.
  • To equip participants with goal-setting techniques and action plans that align with their career aspirations.
  • To cultivate a growth mindset that embraces continuous learning and resilience in the face of challenges.

Learning Outcomes:

By the end of this program, participants will be able to:

  • Conduct effective self-assessments: Learn how to evaluate their current skills, experiences, and areas for improvement to create a personalized development plan.
  • Set actionable development goals: Develop SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals that align with their personal and professional aspirations.
  • Create a self-development action plan: Formulate a clear plan for acquiring new skills and knowledge, including identifying resources, timelines, and accountability measures.
  • Embrace a growth mindset: Understand the importance of resilience and adaptability, and develop strategies for overcoming obstacles and learning from setbacks.
  • Leverage learning opportunities: Identify and take advantage of various learning modalities, including formal education, online courses, mentoring, and networking, to enhance their professional growth.

Date: Saturday, 11 January 2024 | 9:30 AM to 2:30 PM| Fee: Rs. 7000/- (Per Module)

Program Overview

The purpose of HR Analytics is using Data to Inform, Transform and Empower HR Decisions is a comprehensive program designed to equip HR professionals with essential skills needed to drive business performance. Participants will gain hands-on experience in analyzing data, uncovering critical business insights, and creating dynamic data visualizations that empower stakeholders to take action.

This course provides a thorough understanding of how data-driven thinking can support long-term organizational success and guide strategic decisions. This course serves as a vital stepping stone toward becoming an expert in HR data analysis.

Program Objectives:

  • Understand HR Analytics and its Value creation
  • HR analytics and its practical application for business solutions
  • Develop critical skills necessary for HR data analysis
  • Become proficient in interpreting HR data effectively
  • Identify key metrics and techniques to interpret data.
  • Implement data-driven strategies to make informed decisions.

Learning Outcome:

Participants will be equipped to apply HR analytics effectively and make informed, data-driven decisions to enhance organizational performance.

Date: Saturday, 18 January 2024 | 9:30 AM to 2:30 PM| Fee: Rs. 7000/- (Per Module)

Program Overview

The Work-Life Balance session is designed to provide HR practitioners with essential strategies to promote a healthy work-life balance within their organizations. Participants will explore the importance of work-life balance in enhancing employee well-being, productivity, and retention. The program will address topics such as identifying signs of burnout, implementing flexible work arrangements, and creating supportive workplace policies. Through interactive discussions and real-world case studies, participants will gain practical tools to encourage a culture that values balance, ultimately enhancing both employee satisfaction and organizational performance.

Program Objectives:

  • Understanding the importance of work-life balance for employee well-being and organizational effectiveness.
  • Identifying common challenges and signs of imbalance in the workplace.
  • Equipping HR professionals with practical strategies to promote work-life balance, including flexible work
  • arrangements and supportive policies.
  • Initiatives for creating a workplace culture that values balance, well-being, and employee engagement.
  • Actively communicating the benefits of work-life balance to both employees and management.

Learning Outcomes:

The session is designed to empower the participants to lead initiatives that prioritize well-being and drive organizational success.

Program Fees

The fee for the entire program (10 Modules) is Rs. 70,000/- (Exclusive of Tax)

Each module Rs.7,000/-.(Exclusive of Tax)


November 16, 2024


9:30 am to 2:30 pm
(Classes will be on Saturday)


IoBM, Karachi


Program Facilitator

Master’s in IR & Pol. Science, LLB, HRM (Cornell Uni)

He is a seasoned business professional with over 30 years of leadership and management experience across prominent organizations. He has held senior roles in Human Resources, Organization Development, Marketing, and Project Management. Notably, he served as Chief Operating Officer at Karachi Electric Supply Company (KESC), Senior Executive Vice President and Head of HR at Habib Bank Limited, and as Senior Executive Vice President overseeing Business Planning, Marketing, IT, and HR at Pak Kuwait Investment Company/Meezan Bank. He also held senior positions at American Express Bank, Gulf International Bank, Exxon Chemical Pakistan, and the Ministry of Finance, Government of Pakistan.

Mr. Osmani holds a Master’s Degree in IR and Political Science, a Bachelor’s in Law, and completed a Human Resource Management Program from Cornell University. He has extensive experience conducting training programs on HR, Leadership, TQM, and management development both in Pakistan and internationally.

His key areas of specialization include organizational restructuring, process re-engineering, and corporate governance.

Executive, Leadership Expert, Aviation Instructor, Management Trainer.

Omar J Qureshi, CEO of Excelerate Private Limited, is a seasoned professional with a diverse background in management, leadership, and technical expertise. He previously served as COO at Excelerate Pvt. Ltd. and General Manager at Deflog Pvt. Ltd., overseeing contract management, software development, and technical support. Omar’s career began in the Pakistan Army Aviation, where he gained extensive leadership experience. He is a graduate of the Command and Staff College, Quetta, and holds a certification in Management Employee-related Legal Issues.

Omar has led significant projects, including HR capacity building for the State Bank of Pakistan and SECP, BoP, NADRA, PTCL, conducting HR due diligence for FESCO and NPGCL prior to their privatization, and facilitating conflict resolution and team building for OMV. His expertise extends to high-level negotiations, such as assisting the Ministry of Defence and DCN Log of France in contract finalization.

Additionally, Omar is a qualified Aviation Instructor and Instrument Flight Examiner from Fort Rucker, USA, and has provided operational support to the Cabinet Division of the Government of Pakistan. Fluent in English and Urdu, he is also associated with IoBM as a trainer in Management and Leadership.

Omar’s honors include the prestigious French “Chevalier de l’Ordre National du Mérite” for leadership, 3,000 hours of Aviation Flight Safety, and Chief of Army Staff Commendation Cards.

MBA (HR), MSc Economics,
Certified in Project Management, HRD, Strategic Marketing.

A change catalyst, business consultant, and corporate trainer with 8 years of HR management experience in leading large private and public organizations. In her current role as the Director of HR Projects & Consultancy Assignments at Excelerate, she leads the development and execution of strategic human resources projects and initiatives for various clients. She has a strong understanding of HR best practices, project management skills, and the ability to build and maintain robust client relationships. Her expertise lies in developing and implementing effective HR strategies aligned with business goals, driving organizational change initiatives, and optimizing operational performance.

Throughout her career, she has worked with diverse clients across industries such as technology, finance, healthcare, and manufacturing, with a proven track record of helping organizations achieve their goals and enhance their overall performance.

She holds an advanced degree in Business Administration in HR and a master’s in Economics. Additionally, she has acquired certifications in Project Management, Human Resource Development, and Strategic Marketing from LUMS, IBA, and IoBM.